In the years leading up to the current recession, jobs in the U.S. economy shifted away from manufacturing towards services and became more integrated into global markets. Both developments have helped fuel economic growth but were accompanied by rising income inequality.
On June 23, the Center on Children and Families at Brookings hosted an event that examines a new report by McKinsey Global Institute on changing employment and income that informs the debate on what has driven the dispersion in incomes across industries and occupations. The report offers new insights on income and employment levels over a 15-year period, maps the link between labor market changes and the differential growth in labor income, and assesses drivers of differential income growth, including technology, trade, immigration, unionization and education.
Speakers examined ways policy-makers and global corporations can create jobs and improve opportunities during the recession and beyond.
Speakers and panelists took questions from the audience.
Ron Haskins giving opening remarks | Isabel Sawhill and Martin Baily |
June 23
Welcome & Introduction
Richard Burkhauser Blanding Professor of Policy Analysis - Cornell University -
Panel Discussion
Isabel V. Sawhill Senior Fellow Emeritus - Economic Studies, Center for Economic Security and Opportunity @isawhill