

9:30 am EST - 11:30 am EST

Past Event

Setting the Stage: The Coming Debate Over Tax and Fiscal Policy

  • Thursday, January 9, 2003

    9:30 am - 11:30 am EST

The Urban Institute
Katherine Graham Conference Center, 5th Floor

2100 M St, NW
Washington, DC

As President Bush and Congressional leaders unveil new tax and fiscal proposals, a distinguished panel of tax and budget experts from the Tax Policy Center will offer timely analyses and perspectives on issues likely to be central to the ensuing debate over tax and fiscal policy.


  • William Frenzel, Brookings Institution (former member, U.S. House of Representatives)
  • Peter Orszag, Brookings Institution (former special assistant for economic policy to President Clinton)
  • Rudolph Penner, Urban Institute (former director, Congressional Budget Office)
    Eugene Steuerle, Urban Institute (co-director, TPC and former Treasury deputy assistant secretary)
  • David Wessel (moderator), Wall Street Journal

Among the issues to be addressed:

  • How would the President’s tax package affect the economy, the long-run budget situation, and distribution of income?
  • Does the economy need another tax cut and if so to whom should it be targeted?
  • How much more in taxes should the best-off Americans pay than others?
  • Should the tax code be used to redistribute income or to help make the economy function more effectively—or both?
  • Is the current tax system the most efficient, fair way to redistribute income?