Opportunities and challenges for social impact bonds in Mexico
Thursday, November 10, 2016
9:00 am - 1:00 pm CST
Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel
Paseo de la Reforma 325
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City 06500
On November 10, the Brookings Institution and Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas co-hosted a workshop on the potential applications of impact bonds in Mexico. Brookings presented the findings from its research on impact bonds globally, after which Ethos presented a draft of a forthcoming co-authored policy brief on applications in Mexico.
The workshop brought together stakeholders from private and public sectors and across issue areas ranging from education to health to criminal justice. A panel discussion included some of the leading players engaging in Mexico’s first impact bond that is in development. Small working sessions during the workshop allowed participants to hone in on the potential application of impact bonds to challenges faced in delivering services such as early childhood education, workforce development, prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes and others.
Scott R. Anderson, Vanda Felbab-Brown, Jeffrey Feltman, Caren Grown, Michael Hansen, George Ingram, Thomas Pepinsky, Anthony F. Pipa, Ghulam Omar Qargha, Molly E. Reynolds, Sweta Shah, Landry Signé