The morning after the Democratic presidential candidates faced off in a debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the Brookings Institution and UNLV jointly hosted an Opportunity 08 forum featuring national foreign policy experts and political analysts.
Event Audio:
Download panel one audio » (mp3)
Download panel two audio » (mp3)
Co-sponsors of the event included the Las Vegas Sun, KLAS-TV, Vegas One, UNLV’s Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies, UNLV Television, Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada (CSUN), and the Association of Students in Communications (ASC).
November 16
DCDavid Chalian Political Director, ABC News -
Zoë Baird CEO and President - Markle Foundation, Trustee - The Brookings Institution @ZoeBairdMarkleKMDKenneth M. DubersteinTEDThomas E. Donilon Former U.S. National Security Adviser, Senior Partner - O’Melveny and Myers, Trustee - The Brookings InstitutionMartin S. Indyk Former Brookings Expert, Distinguished Fellow - The Council on Foreign Relations @Martin_IndykCPCarlos Pascual Former U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Senior Vice President for Global Energy - IHS Markit, Former Brookings expert @CarlosEPascualPWRPeter W. Rodman Former Brookings Expert