

6:30 pm EST - 8:00 pm EST

Past Event

Muslim Civic Cultures and Conflict Resolution: The Challenge of Democratic Federalism in Nigeria

  • Wednesday, December 7, 2005

    6:30 pm - 8:00 pm EST

The Brookings Institution
Falk Auditorium

1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

Dr. John Paden launched his book, Muslim Civic Cultures and Conflict Resolution: The Challenges of Democratic Federalism in Nigeria on December 7, 2005. The launch included a panel of special guests of honor, including Major General Muhammadu Buhari, former Head of State of Nigeria and presidential candidate in the 2003 elections, Ambassador Princeton Lyman, former U.S. ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. John Paden Clarence Robinson Professor of International Studies, Professor of Public and International Affairs at George Mason University and, Ambassador Martin Indyk, Director of the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution.

Nigeria serves as a valuable case-study of a country attempting to coalesce democracy and the rule of law with respect for local Muslim traditions. As the world’s seventh largest oil producer and home to one of the world’s largest Muslim communities, Nigeria’s governance and stability are matters of international concern. Dr. Paden’s book Muslim Civic Cultures and Conflict Resolution: The Challenges of Democratic Federalism in Nigeria, analyzes Muslim civic culture in the country and its impact on Nigeria’s development post-independence. It is an important contribution toward understanding politics and society in this strategically-significant country; additionally, it provides broader lessons that can improve our engagement with the Muslim world.


  • December 7
    • Discussant

      Dr. John N. Paden Clarence Robinson Professor of International Studies and Professor of Public & International Affairs George Mason University
    • Participants

      Amb. Princeton Lyman Former U.S. ambassador to Nigeria
      Dr. Ibrahim Gambari Under-secretary-general for political affairs United Nations
      Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari Former Head of State and presidential candidate in the 2003 elections Nigeria