Greetings and Opening Remarks
Junichi Ujiie, President, Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies (TCFGS)
Charles Schultze, Senior Fellow Emeritus, The Brookings Institution (BI)
Accession of CEE-States to the EU
Hans-Gunter Vieweg, ifo Institute (ifo)
Supplement: The Integration of Accession States into Multinational Production Networks and their Effects on Exports and Development
Hans Schedl, ifo
Global price transmission from China
Brigitte Granville and Sushanta Mallick, The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
The Integration of China and Eastern European Countries in Global Networks: Are European Multinationals Different?
Frédérique Sachwald, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (ifri)
Supplement: The Asian Strategy of Japanese Multinationals: Focus on China
Seiichi Masuyama, Nomura Research Institute (NRI)
The Different Structure of Japanese and American Trade with China and the Future Outlook
Takashi Nishizawa, NRI
Valuing the Renminbi
Barry Bosworth, Brookings
Policy Statement (forthcoming)