Apr 15, 2004 -


Upcoming Event

Financial Access for Immigrants: Learning from Diverse Perspectives

  • Thursday, April 15, 2004 -

    12:00 am EDT

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
3rd floor conference center

230 S. LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago hosted a timely and informative two-day conference entitled
Financial Access for Immigrants: Learning from Diverse Perspectives
. The conference highlighted new research and best practices for overcoming barriers to immigrant financial market participation. Panels on traditional banking, housing and homeownership, entrepreneurship, small business lending, and remittances featured speakers from policy makers, researchers, and representatives of financial institutions, government agencies, immigrant advocacy and community development organizations.

The conference was co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Center for the Study of Financial Access for Immigrants and The Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy. The Pew Hispanic Center and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation also provided generous support.

The conference was opened by Michael Moskow, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Jim Edgar, Distinguished Fellow, Institute for Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Former Governor of Illinois, Tamar Jacoby, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, and Henry Cisneros, Chairman American CityVista and Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development delivered the keynote addresses.

View the conference agenda