In Late July, leaders of the world’s eight global powers gathered in Saint Petersburg for the first G-8 summit hosted by Russia. The summit comes amidst international concerns about developments in Russia, especially its policies on energy, civil liberties and its neighbors. The summit also coincides with a critical juncture in the international community’s engagement to address Iran’s nuclear program and the broad question of energy security.
On July 6, scholars from Brookings discussed the significance of this year’s G8 summit and the fundamental questions about the structure of the G8 itself. Brookings President Strobe Talbott, former deputy secretary of state, gave introductory remarks. Participants included Carlos Pascual, former ambassador to Ukraine and vice president and director of Foreign Policy Studies; Clifford Gaddy, senior fellow and Russian economy specialist; Kenneth Pollack, senior fellow and author of The Persian Puzzle: The Conflict Between Iran and America; and Johannes Linn, executive director of the Wolfensohn Initiative.
The panel was moderated by Lael Brainard, former G-8 sherpa and vice president and director of Global Economy and Development.
Introduction & Moderator:
Strobe Talbott, President, The Brookings Institution
Carlos Pascual, Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution
Kenneth M. Pollack, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution
Clifford G. Gaddy, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies and Global Economy and Development, The Brookings Institution
Johannes F. Linn, Executive Director, The Wolfensohn Initiative; Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development, The Brookings Institution