

2:00 pm EST - 5:00 pm EST

Past Event

Education and Conflict: Expert Consultation for 2011 Education for All Global Monitoring Report

  • Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    2:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST

The Brookings Institution

1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

Many of the 72 million children who are out of primary school are living in countries affected by conflict, which presents a dramatic obstacle to achieving universal education. Education is critical for peace and social reconstruction; however, it is often neglected in state-building processes. Further, education can be regarded as both a symptom of conflict, including the destruction of infrastructure, injury and death of students and teachers, and damaging effects on trauma on children, and a cause of conflict, including the way in which education interacts with other drivers of conflict and the implications this has for education systems. The Education for All Global Monitoring Report (GMR) is an annual publication developed by an independent, multidisciplinary team hosted by UNESCO to assess global progress toward the six Education for All goals. The report highlights effective policies and practices, drawing attention to emerging challenges, and assessing aid to education. Additionally, each GMR is focused on a particular theme; the 2011 GMR will spotlight education and violent conflict.

On November 18, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings hosted an experts’ consultation for the 2011 GMR to help inform the background research and thematic focus of the upcoming report. Two representatives from the GMR team, Pauline Rose and Anna Haas, provided a brief overview of the report’s outline. They outlined the two-way linkages between education and conflict, the varying impacts across different conflict settings and affected groups, policy responses that address both access for vulnerable group and quality for contributing to peace and stability, and the role of international actors.

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