A Brookings Institution Press, Asia Pacific Press at Australian National University, and Social Sciences Academic Press publication The economic growth of China is clearly one of the defining trends of...
The economic growth of China is clearly one of the defining trends of our time. The world’s most populous nation is undergoing a vast transformation that will redefine the global economy. Chinese industrial production has increased tremendously in recent years, and its consumption of resources has necessarily gone way up as well. These developments will have important impacts on economics, business, politics, and environmental conditions throughout the world. In C hina’s Dilemma: Economic Growth, the Environment, and Climate Change, an international group of authorities examines the present status and likely future of China’s economic rise and its impact on the environment, with particular focus on the all-important topic of global climate change. The first section addresses directly China’s recent growth. Specific topics addressed here include the effects on China of the global credit crunch, determinants of growth, and their prospects for the future. Part II addresses China’s environmental and climate concerns, including the impact on human health, their role in domestic politics, the health effects of environmental damage, and China’s post- Kyoto climate strategy. Part III looks at the impact, and likely trajectory, of energy consumption in China. Contents Part I. Economic Growth: Determinants and Prospects Includes introduction Part II. Impact of Environment Degradation and Climate Change Part III. Energy Use, the Environment, and Future Trends
Ligang Song is associate professor at the Crawford School of Economics and Government at ANU, where he directs the China Economy and Business Program. Wing Thye Woo is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy Studies and Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution, where he holds the New Century Chair in International Trade and Economics.