

Brookings Data Now: 75% of Girls Married before 18 in Niger

In this edition of Brookings Data Now: more people benefit from EITC expansion; debunking myths about homework; high child-marriage rates in Africa; low voter turnout in congressional midterm elections; high percentage of African-Americans among the long-term unemployed.


Rate of child marriage in Niger

This is the highest rate in the world of girls under 18 years of age entering into marriage. Guinea (63 percent) and Mali (55 percent) follow.

14.1 million

Estimated number of people who will benefit from the president’s expanded EITC proposal

By expanding EITC eligibility to workers without qualifying children, those covered by the credit would expand from 7.6 million tax filers.


Percent of 9-year-old students who reported having no assigned homework

According to NAEP data, this figure is down from 32 percent in 1992, but slightly up from 18 percent in 2008.


Turnout of voting-age population in 2010 congressional primaries

This rate is slightly higher than the other most recent non-presidential election years of 2002 and 2006 (5.4 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively).


Percent of the long-term unemployed who are African-American

Yet African-Americans are 10 percent of the employed population.

Mingwei Ma contributed to this post.