

The Challenges of Internal Displacement in West Africa

West Africa has been heavily affectd by displacement. Internal displacement based on ethnic tensions and rivalries, political instability, disputes over the control of natural resources, natural disasters, poverty, food insecurity and the imperatives of development have all resulted in significant displacement of the population.

Internal conflicts based on ethnic tensions and rivalries, political instability, disputes over the control of natural resources, natural disasters, poverty, food insecurity and the imperatives of development have all resulted in significant displacement in West Africa. In Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Nigeria, and Togo millions of people have fled their homes at least once. Though the end of civil wars has permitted many of these IDPs to return, significant risks of further displacement still remain.

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View Report of the First Regional Conference on Internal Displacement in West Africa