

<i>Design Snapshot</i> — Puget Sound New Energy Solutions: Scaling Up for Regional Sustainability

July 1, 2009

To realize new opportunities for clean energy leadership—both through ARRA and other federal policies—Puget Sound leaders have established a new, multi-jurisdictional, multi-sector, and multi-focus collaborative partnership to advance innovative sustainability solutions for the region. Puget Sound New Energy Solutions coordinates regional stakeholders around their investments in energy efficiency, clean mobility, and smart grids to get the most out of stimulus formula allocations and be better positioned to win competitive grant awards now and in the future.

Puget Sound New Energy Solutions (PSNES) is a multi-jurisdictional effort—motivated by stimulus funding opportunities—designed to promote and support regional sustainability initiatives. A growing number of local governments across Puget Sound in King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish counties— representing a regional concentration of residents, big businesses, buildings, and traffic flows—have been joining this consortium to coordinate work on retrofits, grid upgrades, and transport system modernization.