


Tackling the climate change challenge in Africa

Famine Early Warning System Network in Africa (FEWS NET) scientist Chris Shitote talks to farmer Bernard Mbithi after he uprooted his maize field that failed because of a drought in Kilifi county, Kenya, February 16, 2022. Picture taken February 16, 2022. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

This special episode of Foresight Africa podcast is a rebroadcast of an event hosted on Earth Day by the Africa Growth Initiative (AGI) at Brookings. Aloysius Uche Ordu, director of AGI and podcast host, moderated an expert panel discussion on climate change in Africa, including topics such as energy transition, local action, climate finance, the role of parliamentarians and Africa’s youths, and hopes for COP27—Africa’s COP—to be held in Egypt later this year.

Stay tuned for the regular schedule of Foresight Africa podcast interviews.

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