Medicare’s two insurance systems: Current performance and options for reform


Medicare’s two insurance systems: Current performance and options for reform

M. Ayhan Kose

Deputy Chief Economist – World Bank Group, Nonresident Senior Fellow – Global Economy and Development

M. Ayhan Kose is deputy chief economist and director of the World Bank Group’s Prospects Group. In this capacity, he leads the World Bank Group’s work on global macroeconomic outlook and forecasts as well as financial flows and commodity markets. Under his management, the Prospects Group produces the Bank’s flagship report, “Global Economic Prospects,” in addition to other monitoring publications.

Kose has written extensively on international macroeconomics and finance. Many of his articles have been published in leading academic journals, such as the American Economic Review, International Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics, Journal of Development Economics, and Economic Policy. He has also written articles for a number of policy-oriented publications, including the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, Finance & Development, Foreign Policy, Euromoney Emerging Markets Handbook, and VoxEU. His research has been featured in prominent media outlets, such as The Economist, New York Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg, and other international and regional newspapers. He is on the editorial boards of several academic journals, and was the founding co-editor of the IMF Economic Review and editor of the IMF Research Bulletin.

Kose’s latest book, “Collapse and Revival: Understanding Global Recessions and Recoveries” (co-authored; IMF Publications, October 2015), tracks the global business cycle through the destruction of a global recession to the renewal of recovery, drawing on four major episodes in the past half century. His previous book, “Financial Crises: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses” (co-edited; IMF Publications, February 2014), provides a comprehensive overview of recent research on financial crises. His first book, “Emerging Markets: Resilience and Growth Amid Global Turmoil” (co-authored; Brookings Institution Press, December 2010), examines the performance of emerging market economies during the global financial crisis.

Kose is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a research fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research. Prior to joining the World Bank in June 2014, he was assistant to the director of the Research Department and deputy chief of the Multilateral Surveillance Division in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In various capacities at the IMF, he served as co-chair of the Interdepartmental Taskforce for the 2014 Spillover Report and mission chief of the Ex-Post Assessment for the Nicaragua’s 2007-2011 IMF Program, and as an economist in multiple divisions of the Research Department, and the United States and Canada desks of the Western Hemisphere Department.

Kose taught at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and INSEAD, and was formerly assistant professor at Brandeis International Business School. He has a Ph.D. in economics from the Tippie College of Business of the University of Iowa and a B.S. in industrial engineering from Bilkent University. A native of Turkey, Mr. Kose was born and raised in Istanbul.

  • Current Positions

    • Deputy Chief Economist and Director, Prospects Group, World Bank
  • Past Positions

    • Deputy Division Chief, Multilateral Surveillance Division, Research Department, IMF, 2013-2014
    • Assistant to the Director, Research Department, IMF, 2009-2013
    • Senior Economist/Economist, IMF, 2001-2009
    • Adjunct Professor of Economics, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, 2012-13
  • Education

    • Ph.D. University of Iowa, 1997
    • B.S. Bilkent University, 1992
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