BPEA Fall 2024 Conference


BPEA Fall 2024 Conference


Kenya Devolution and Resource Sharing Calculator

October 22, 2013

Kenya’s new constitution, which was approved in 2010, devolves powers to the country’s 47 counties. As part of the devolution process, each county government is responsible for providing and delivering services—such as elements of health care  and pre-primary education— for its  citizens. In order to help fund the provision of these services, each county will receive funds from Kenya’s central government, and that allocated amount is based on specific weighted criteria. The goal for this new devolved system of government is to improve service delivery and equity in public resource allocation.

The Kenya Devolution and Resource Sharing Calculator shows how the national government is currently allocating resources to the different county governments and allows user to explore the potential impact of changes to the allocation criteria.  Currently, the resources are allocated based on a weighted formula: population, 45 percent; poverty rate, 20 percent; land area, 8 percent; fiscal responsibility, 2 percent; and a basic equal share of 25 percent. By selecting alternative weights for the various parameters (using the sliders along the bottom of the map), users can see how allocations will change and vary across the counties. By using the slider on the right side, users can also view the impact of greater revenues being divided among the counties—a popular idea among some policymakers and legislators in Kenya.

To learn more about Kenya’s devolution process, resource sharing among Kenya’s county governments, and their impact on service delivery and equity please read the
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