The Role of the Legislature in the Budget Process: Lessons from the Field
Thursday, March 27, 2008
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm EDT
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC
Recognizing the legislature as a key institution in government accountability, especially the budget process, the National Democratic Institute is working to strengthen legislatures’ ability to engage with the executive branch on the development and monitoring of government budgets and the implementation of those budgets. The Transparency and Accountability Project hosted Alison Paul DeSchryver and John Johnson to present some impressions and results that have come from these projects.
More about the Transparency and Accountability Toward Better Governance Series
TAP hosts a regular luncheon seminar series, entitled “Toward Better Governance: Strengthening Government Accountability in Low-and Middle-Income Countries,” which is designed to demonstrate the breadth and nuance of the issue of accountability by bringing a diverse group of experts to stimulate a richer and broader debate on promoting better governance.
To receive more information on the Toward Better Governance Series, please contact Alice Krupit.
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