Improving Government Expenditure Performance in Middle East and North Africa: World Bank Experiences
Thursday, December 13, 2007
12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EST
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC
The Transparency and Accountability Project hosted Bob Beschel and Nadir Mohammed from the World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa team to examine the major governance issues, successful reforms and fiduciary challenges facing governments in the region from the perspective of World Bank staff who work closely with developing country leaders. The session covered existing Bank projects in governance and financial management in the region and discussed prospects for new strategies and projects for addressing remaining challenges in the future.
More about the Transparency and Accountability Views from the Bank Series
Beginning in October 2007, the Transparency and Accountability Project within Brookings Global will host a series focused on major fiduciary issues in each of the Bank’s regions. The series will examine the major issues, successful reforms and challenges facing governments from the perspective of World Bank staff who have worked closely with developing country leaders, and will explore new strategies and solutions.