How Do They Do That? Low-Cost, High-Quality Health Care in America
Kaiser Family Foundation
Barbara Jordan Conference Center
1330 G St. NW
Washington, DC
At the July 21 meeting, “How Do They Do That? Low-Cost, High-Quality Health Care in America,” Engelberg Center Director Mark McClellan—alongside health care improvement experts Drs. Donald Berwick, Elliott Fisher, and Atul Gawande—brought together teams from 10 high-performing regions to explore the local, regional, and national factors, including culture, financing, infrastructures and more that underlie the mechanisms for delivering health care in their communities.
In his remarks, McClellan noted he was encouraged by the event’s dialogue, and that he believed it is possible to strengthen the link between federal health care reform and the real health care reform that happens all over the country—reform that changes delivery of care, lowers costs, and ultimately improves patient outcomes.