


Actionable Ideas for Economic Recovery in American Cities

Rebuild Better: A framework to support an equitable recovery from COVID-19

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, local leaders have the mandate and the runway to unify their communities around a three-part agenda for inclusive recovery, mobilize investors (public, private, philanthropic), and insure the right institutions are in place to implement the change this moment demands.

Deploying industry advancement services to generate quality jobs

Economic development organizations can support “missing middle” businesses through intensive, targeted outreach and a suite of services that enhance productivity and generate quality jobs.

Supporting microbusinesses in underserved communities during the COVID-19 recovery

Drawing on lessons from Detroit, local leaders can ensure the most underserved small businesses and communities remain resilient in the COVID-19 recovery.

Building racial equity in tech ecosystems to spur local recovery

By prioritizing inclusive tech ecosystems, public, private, and philanthropic leaders can spur quality local growth and generate lasting wealth in Black communities.

Reshoring advanced manufacturing supply chains to generate good jobs

Central New York’s strategy outlines how other regions can capture new production opportunities and strengthen supply chain resiliency in the face of future global disasters.

Turning COVID-19’s mass layoffs into opportunities for quality jobs

Amid historic layoffs, displaced workers would benefit from career pathways with applied learning opportunities, career coaching, and supportive services such as child care.

Local service corps can address unemployment and community need

The Birmingham Service Corps is a model for places in approaching the health, economic, and social challenges posed by COVID-19, having placed over 300 members in job opportunities.

Bridging the digital divide through digital equity offices

City-led digital equity offices would aim to address structural barriers to broadband access and ensure the digital economy reaches all local households in the wake of COVID-19.

Using a down market to launch affordable housing acquisition strategies

The immediate recovery period after COVID-19 could offer a unique opportunity to improve housing security by increasing the inventory of long-term affordable rental housing.

How states can empower local ownership for a just recovery

As COVID-19 has laid bare the long-term effects of discrimination and spatial segregation, new mechanisms that encourage real estate investment in disadvantaged communities are needed.