The 2024 US presidential election and the future of multilateralism


The 2024 US presidential election and the future of multilateralism


BPEA | 1994: Microeconomics

Measuring Industry-Specific Protection: Antidumping in the United States

Frank A. Wolak and
Frank A. Wolak Stanford University and National Bureau of Economic Research
Robert W. Staiger
Robert W. Staiger University of Wisconsin and National Bureau of Economic Research

Microeconomics 1994

Do ANTIDUMPING LAWS have anticompetitive consequences and restrict trade? These questions arise repeatedly in multilateral and bilateral trade talks. Although there are reasons to suspect that antidumping laws do have such effects, little is known about the size of these effects in practice, and even less about the mechanisms by which they occur. This paper provides estimates of the trade impacts of U.S. antidumping law and the determinants of suit-filing activity from 1980 to 1985.