
The Road to EMU

Managing the Transition to a Single European Currency

Robert Chote
Release Date: February 1, 1994

This Report from CEPR and the Paolo Baffi Centre for Monetary and Financial Economics focuses on the key issues involved in Stage II of Europe’s transition to economic and monetary union. These issues include the degree of prior economic convergence required for EMU to succeed; whether the risk of currency realignments during the transition, the abolition of exchange controls or continued economic integration may destabilize the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS and possibly jeopardize the convergence that has occurred already; the functions of the proposed European Monetary Institute in Stage II; and the proposed constitution and responsibilities of the` European System of Central Banks during Stage III. Based on a conference held in Milan in September 1991, organized by CEPR and the Paolo Baffi Centre, this Report includes an extended essay by Edward Balls on the issues discussed at the conference and non-technical, accessible summaries of the individual papers for the non-specialist.

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