This publication is the second in a series that analyzes the education indicators developed through the OECD/UNESCO World Education Indicators (WEI) program. Teacher’s for Tomorrow’s Schools examines trends in educational finance and governance, with particular attention to how they relate to teachers and teaching conditions; reviews patterns of access and participation in education systems to signal changes in the demand for teachers; compares what is demanded of existing and prospective teachers in terms of qualifications and workload with existing financial and other job-related incentives; and reviews the policy choices and trade-offs that governments face when balancing expanded access to education against the need to attract and retain good teachers. A statistical profile of important determinants of the demand and supply of qualified teachers together with a comprehensive statistical annex covering both WEI and OECD countries complements the analysis. Countries participating in the OECD/UNESCO WEI program include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
Teachers for Tomorrow’s Schools
Analysis of the World Education Indicators, 2001 Edition
Release Date: February 1, 2002