
Teachers for Tomorrow’s Schools

Analysis of the World Education Indicators, 2001 Edition

Release Date: February 1, 2002

This publication is the second in a series that analyzes the education indicators developed through the OECD/UNESCO World Education Indicators (WEI) program. Teacher’s for Tomorrow’s Schools examines trends in educational finance and governance, with particular attention to how they relate to teachers and teaching conditions; reviews patterns of access and participation in education systems to signal changes in the demand for teachers; compares what is demanded of existing and prospective teachers in terms of qualifications and workload with existing financial and other job-related incentives; and reviews the policy choices and trade-offs that governments face when balancing expanded access to education against the need to attract and retain good teachers. A statistical profile of important determinants of the demand and supply of qualified teachers together with a comprehensive statistical annex covering both WEI and OECD countries complements the analysis. Countries participating in the OECD/UNESCO WEI program include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
