This eleventh edition of OECD Health Data provides an efficient tool for performing comparative analysis of health statistics among the 30 OECD countries. It includes a unique interactive database as well as sophisticated query modules. The database displays some 1200 indicators. Most recent comprehensive data are available for 1999/2000, with some time series as far back as 1960.
Main fields covered are: Health Status, Health Care Resources, Health Care Utilization, Expenditure on Health Financing and Remuneration, Social Protection, Pharmaceutical Market, Non-medical Determinants of Health, Demographic References, and Economic References.
OECD Health Datauses fast, user-friendly WindowsT-based software that enables the user to carry out data extractions and build customized graphs and tables. It is available in English, French, German, and Spanish. Users have access to free technical assistance and data updates online at