This report presents an evaluation of the last five years in South Africa, and of the likely prospects after the June elections and Nelson Mandela’s departure, by a group of experts convened by the Southern Africa Study Group at the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Contributors, from Britain and South Africa, include David Welsh, “The State of Politics”; Stanley Uys, “The ANC and Black Politics: The Buck Stops with Mbeki”; Jesmond Blumenfeld, “The Economic Situation: Problems and Prospects”; Heather Deegan, “Good Governance and Accountability”; Khehla Shubane, “Power Sharing between Centre and Provinces”; Graham Evans, “Foreign Policy and the African Renaissance”; Merle Lipton, “Democracy and Stability in the New South Africa: Human Rights with Special Reference to the TRC”; James Barber, “South Africa’s Relations with the West”; James Mayall, “South Africa’s Role in International Peacekeeping”; Greg Mills, “Prospects for 2000 and Beyond”; and David Simon, “Conclusion: From Mandela to Mbeki.”