In this new book, a group of distinguished scholars from a range of disciplines and geographical backgrounds reflect on the centrality of the recent European experience to the global community today. They look at the new Europe that is emerging in the wake of the dramatic geopolitical changes that occurred on the continent at the end of the 1980s.
The contributors seek to open a variety of perspectives, including those of culture and history, on today’s rapidly changing European scene. They examine in detail the process of transition and internal realities confronting post-communist governments in Eastern and Central Europe. Their provocative essays also look at the role of Europe in the new global economy, the new regional alignments that are emerging, and other key questions about the continent in the emerging world order.
In addition to the editors, the contributors are Samir Amin, Third World Forum, Dakar, Senegal; Carlos Blanco, Minister for the Reform of the State of Venezuela; Gianni Bonvicini, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome; Albert Bressand, PROMETHEE Transnational Networks, Paris; Charles Cooper, United Nations University Institute for New Technologies in Maastricht, Netherlands; Robert Cox, York University, Toronto; Arpad Goncz, president of the Hungarian Republic; Bjorn Hettne, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; Lal Jayawardena, National Development Council; Domokos Kosary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Vladislav Kotchetkov, UNESCO; Tibor Palankai, Budapest University of Economics; George Schopflin, University of London; and Mihaly Simai, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.