

Charts of the week: Baseball, second jobs, and Pakistanis’ views on the LeT

Tampa Bay Rays at New York Yankees for opening day of the 2018 MLB season.

Click on the links or charts to access the full research.


Counties that host Major League Baseball teams are majority non-white

In a post published just before opening day for the 2018 Major League Baseball (MLB) season, David M. Rubenstein Fellow Jenny Shuetz and Cecile Murray explore changes in the geography and demographics of counties that have hosted MLB teams since the League’s expansion in 1950. They find, among other things, that “non-baseball counties” (counties that don’t host MLB teams) “are not only smaller and poorer than baseball counties, they have remained less ethnically diverse.”

2018.03.28_metro_baseball geography_Schuetz_figure-02

Nearly 20 percent of secondary teachers report working multiple jobs

In a post for the Brown Center Chalkboard, University of California, Santa Barbara professor Dick Startz uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to examine why teachers are working second jobs and what consequences second jobs might have on teachers’ performance. Startz finds that elementary and secondary teachers (excluding those working in special education) “are about 30 percent more likely than non-teachers to work a second job.”

Pakistanis’ favorable views for the Lashkar-e-Taiba don’t reverse with university education

Madiha Afzal, nonresident fellow in the Global Economy and Development program, analyzes Pew Global Attitudes survey data to assess Pakistanis’ views on the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and other terrorist organizations and how those views are affected by levels of income and education. In the graph below, Afzal demonstrates that while net unfavorability of the LeT (the percentage with unfavorable views minus the percentage with favorable views) rises with education, an increased level of education does not reduce favorability for the group.
