The insiders’ game: How elites make war and peace


The insiders’ game: How elites make war and peace


Brookings Today, 10/16/14

A roundup of some of the content published today by Brookings.

  • The Bad News about the News. In the newest Brookings Essay, Robert Kaiser, the former managing editor of The Washington Post, presents an examination of the changing state of the news industry and the impending threat to American democracy.
  • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Later this month, the Department of Commerce hosts the fifth in a series of roundtables on the critical issue of using an efficient risk-bearing standard to improve the DMCA notice and takedown system. Stuart Brotman tells us what to expect.
  • Income share agreements to help finance education. In response to growing concerns over higher education financing, policymakers, advocates, and entrepreneurs have proposed an array of solutions to address the shortcomings of our current system. Beth Akers explains Income Share Agreements (ISAs) and why they deserve more attention.
  • Reading between Iran’s nuclear negotiating lines. Suzanne Maloney explains Iran’s eleventh-hour nuclear negotiations strategy and its red lines in the nuclear talks.
  • America’s fragmented water system. The Hamilton Project explores the regulatory challenges of America’s fragmented water systems and highlights information drawn from the project’s new economic facts about water in the United States.
  • Five reasons to worry about deflation. David Wessel explains why falling prices could be cause for worry.
  • FBI Director James Comey on technology and law enforcement. Watch highlights of FBI Director James Comey’s remarks on technology and law enforcement.
  • Don’t give up on marriage. Jon Rauch comments on Isabel Sawhill’s new book on marriage, and makes a case for the cultural value of marriage.

Charmaine Crutchfield contributed to this post.