

Brookings Data Now: 1,000 Armed Units in Syrian Insurgency

In this edition of Brookings Data Now: U.S. youth unemployment rate; personal income that comes from government; Syria’s insurgency; number of voters in India’s elections; U.S. exports.


Unemployment rate for U.S. 16- to 24-year-olds

Fifteen percent, or 5.8 million young adults, are neither working nor in school.


Percentage of personal income in the U.S. from government benefits

Most measures of income do not count non-market benefits like Social Security, unemployment benefits, and health insurance.


Estimated number of armed units in the anti-Syrian government insurgency

The total number of insurgents ranges from 100,000 to 120,000 fighters.

550 million

Approx. number of voters in India’s recent national elections

The participation rate for India’s voters was about 66 percent.


Percentage of American firms with employees that sell in foreign markets

Thirteen percent of U.S. national output comes from exports.