The debt ceiling crisis ended Wednesday night, October 17, when the House and Senate passed new legislation, signed by President Obama, to reopen the federal government and raise the Treasury’s borrowing limit. During the last two weeks, Brookings experts offered thoughts and recommendations. Visit FixGov blog for new research and recommendations on how to make government work, and visit our federal budget topic page to follow the latest research from across Brookings.
October 17:
Spoiler alert! A quick analysis of the outcome of last night’s anticlimactic House vote on the debt ceiling bill.
— Sarah Binder (@bindersab) October 17, 2013
Presidents always win govt shutdowns because of ability to control narrative and order of agency closings. GOP should remember in Jan.
— Darrell West (@darrwest) October 17, 2013
With the debt impasse over, the House can now get back to its real job, which is passing futile bills attempting to repeal Obamacare.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 17, 2013
October 16:
Deal making in a polarized Congress….The kitchen where they make the sausage ain’t smelling so good.
— Sarah Binder (@bindersab) October 16, 2013
If anyone tells you this political madness had no economic implications, show ’em this chart.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 16, 2013
Will the Tea Party try any procedural tricks to stall a vote? Hopefully Boehner’s got a handle on his caucus so we can put this mess to rest
— Molly Jackman (@MollyJackman) October 16, 2013
If you want to see what I had to say about the debt ceiling on @NowWithAlex earlier today:
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 16, 2013
Phew, for now. The saga of American democracy has got to stop imitating “The Perils of Pauline” or it will become both a farce and a tragedy
— Strobe Talbott (@strobetalbott) October 16, 2013
Justin Wolfers, appearing on “Now with Alex Wagner” (MSNBC), says that despite an impending deal, “this isn’t over. … We’ve got a system of perpetual gridlock. There is a real risk that one day, we play chicken often enough, someone goes off the cliff, and if we keep playing, we’re going to price that risk and that’s going to cost you and me.” Watch below:
Gerald Cohen says despite a potential solution, there still may be dangers:
Though it looks like Washington has come to the realization that playing politics with the full faith and credit of the U.S. government is a mistake, given the current standstill, it is possible that an increase in the debt ceiling may not be fully in effect by the October 17th drop-dead date. As a result, I update and extend some of the work done in that earlier piece and discuss the dangers of any delay in payments even on the shortest-term Treasury instruments.
Whoever invented the debt ceiling was, like, “Hey congress, here’s a big fist that you can use to punch us all in the face. Use it wisely.”
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 16, 2013
#US debt ceiling deadline saga: Death by a thousand cuts (to US standing in the world). Folks in Washington – what the hell are you doing?
— Salman Shaikh (@Salman_Shaikh1) October 16, 2013
Hitting 10/17 deadline damaging b/c 1) Small, but + probability of real catastrophe; 2) Much harder to say that this was all just a farce.
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) October 16, 2013
Let’s talk frankly about Congress and call it what it is: A far bigger threat to U.S. national security than Al Qaeda
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) October 16, 2013
Everybody take a deep breath: a not-very-satisfying short-term deal reached at 11th hour has always been the most likely scenario, still is.
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) October 16, 2013
As the US teeters on the brink, other countries peer down the abyss: via the @nytimes
— Arturo Sarukhan (@Arturo_Sarukhan) October 16, 2013
See map of food stamp & social security recipients, all harmed if govt defaults on paymts @MarkMuro1 @AtlanticCities
— Amy Liu (@amy_liuw) October 16, 2013
Today is the day. Deal or No Deal??? Better be a deal.
— Darrell West (@darrwest) October 16, 2013
Chinese bleat about “de-Americanization” of the world, now going viral, is 1/2-fear (China’s dollar holdings at risk) & 1/2-schadenfreude,
— Strobe Talbott (@strobetalbott) October 16, 2013
October 15:
If the Treasury Dept. delays mailing checks, disruption will be worse in aging NE states & FL
— Brookings Metro (@BrookingsMetro) October 15, 2013
Fitch: “prolonged negotiations over raising the debt ceiling (following episode in Aug ’11) risks undermining confidence in role of U.S. $.”
— Gary Burtless (@GBurtless) October 15, 2013
Treasury market showing signs of anxiety. Higher rates on our debt costs us real money.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 15, 2013
The shutdown has impinged on regional economies through local furloughs, but debt ceiling breach could be much worse
— Brookings Metro (@BrookingsMetro) October 15, 2013
How close to the wire will we get before Boehner throws Tea Party overboard?My take on why this would be a good move:
— Molly Jackman (@MollyJackman) October 15, 2013
So, if current reporting is correct the House GOP will let us avoid economic damage only if Hobby Lobby doesnt have to give workers the pill
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) October 15, 2013
House Republicans trying to back out of #shutdown fiasco but throwing grenades along the way. My blog on the endgame
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) October 15, 2013
Even risking default is doing serious damage to America’s influence and that will hurt the US economy. @SpeakerBoehner. #EndThisNow
— Bruce Jones (@brucebrookings) October 15, 2013
Amadou Sy on the U.S. #debtceiling and its impact on the global economy:
— Brookings Global (@BrookingsGlobal) October 15, 2013
I argue that forthrightly breaking debt ceiling would be better than pretending the President could raise it himself:
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) October 15, 2013
As the Tea Party in the House “revolts” this AM, on #FixGov @MollyJackman explains why they are too weak to matter .
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) October 15, 2013
Philip Wallach responds to Saul Jackman’s FixGov post in which he argued that President Obama should, if necessary, declare a national emergency and raise the debt ceiling through executive order. Wallach, who agrees that breaching the debt ceiling would be “potentially catastrophic,” says that “if there are really no other options, then there is a strong case to be made that the President should seriously consider breaking the law embodied by the debt ceiling without pretending that his doing so is legal.”
“@HuffPostPol: precedents for U.S. default.” -Ancient history & back-office glitch, quickly fixed. Hardly comparable
— Strobe Talbott (@strobetalbott) October 15, 2013
Don’t pin your hopes on the “Gephardt Rule” to get us out of this mess.
— Sarah Binder (@bindersab) October 13, 2013
October 14:
“The depth of the antagonism & risk-taking is different,” Alice Rivlin says of current debt-ceiling battle. via @NPR:
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) October 14, 2013
Saul Jackman argues that President Obama “has the institutional authority to put an end to this game, thus unilaterally preventing an international economic crisis.” Writing on FixGov blog, Jackman says:
…the President is charged constitutionally both with executing the appropriations bills authorized by Congress as well as protecting the full faith and credit of the United States. A unilateral increase in the debt ceiling may be the only way to uphold his Constitutional duties. As such, his primary constitutional responsibility is to implement the laws in such a way as to best protect the interests of the nation. And the longer this crisis plays out, the clearer it will become to all involved – especially President Obama – that a state of emergency is upon us, and that the best way he can protect the interests of our nation is to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling.
US, the master-builder of the Bretton Woods global order, now taken to woodshed by the IMF & World Bank: irony matched only by humiliation.
— Strobe Talbott (@strobetalbott) October 14, 2013
October 13:
US Treas cash balances and incoming tax revenues to make up 70% of expenditures in case #debtceiling triggered, ie 30% forced consolidation
— Domenico Lombardi (@domeniclombardi) October 13, 2013
October 11:
In @usnews history of #debtceiling escalation, I say size of recent demands was without real historical precedent:
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) October 11, 2013
“Republicans will regret these days if President Christie or Walker or Jindal face such political extortion” #FixGov
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) October 11, 2013
John Hudak and Thomas Mann are calling for a “grand bargain for democracy,” not just a bargain to reopen the federal government and increase the debt limit:
We need President Obama and Congress to agree to take off the table the partisan war’s new weapons of mass destruction – government shutdowns, threats of public default, and sequesters. Hostage-taking to gain unilateral concessions not achievable through ordinary bargaining and putting in place automatic, indiscriminate spending cuts in the absence of budget agreements diminish our democracy and imperil our economy.
Day 11 of the govt shutdown, brought to you by the bold idea that the solution to our fiscal woes is to pay public servants to not work.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 11, 2013
October 10:
FoxBusiness has a nice #debtceiling myth debunker featuring a couple quotes from yours truly:
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) October 10, 2013
On the FixGov blog, Philip Wallach and William Galston discuss possible solutions to the shutdown and default crises.
Straw in the wind: some foreign wealth managers, seriously nervous about US default, are moving dollar investments into…. get this: euros!
— Strobe Talbott (@strobetalbott) October 10, 2013
Anyone thrilled about a 6 week debt limit increase as some holy grail for policymaking has been asleep for 27 months.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) October 10, 2013
Day 10 of the government #shutdown & debt ceiling standoff, brought to you by the fading memory of what was once a pro-business party.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 10, 2013
October 9:
Doug Elliott says that the “vast majority of investors believe a failure to increase the debt limit would be a disaster.”
The only way that Wall Street can influence the Tea Party is by putting their money where their mouth is and selling stocks. Congress would notice a 500 or a 1,000 point decline in the Dow. Even then, the real impact would be through persuading those Republicans in the House who are not hard core Tea Party members that they have to push Speaker Boehner to pass an increase in the debt limit. The more radical members of the Tea Party just do not see the world as the rest of us do.
The vast majority of investors believe a failure to increase the debt limit would be a disaster, but most of them believe, along with me, that even our Congress is not stupid enough to force a default. So you have the ironic situation that many are looking at the stock market to tell them whether action is necessary, yet the market signal will not come as long as the market thinks Congress will do the right thing in the end. An investor who sells now expects to regret that decision once Congress acts. This is the real danger; that Congress does not realize what investors really think until it is too late.
If you think a few weeks of the GOP threatening default is a bad idea, then why sign on to a short extension, guaranteeing a few months?
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 10, 2013
Bill Galston rounds up what some members of Congress who think hitting the debt ceiling is not “unthinkable” have been saying about breaching it. “Hardly anyone who knows anything about this issue agrees with these sanguine assessments,” says Galston.
Gerald Cohen explains why “equity markets are swooning and short-term U.S. Treasury interest rates are spiking, but longer-term interest rates are flat-to-down.”
Isabel Sawhill, who says that “the consequences of default should be sobering,” offers four ideas on how Republicans and Democrats can find agreement on the issue.
October 8:
#debtceiling best case scenario in play: Reid will try to pass McConnell Rule in perpetuity, neutering debt ceiling:
— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) October 8, 2013
Some Republicans clearly see the debt ceiling as a de facto balanced budget amendment – the government will simply live off its revenue.
— David Steven (@davidsteven) October 8, 2013
October 7:
Alice Rivlin, who directed the Office of Management and Budget during the last government shutdown in 1995, says “Although the debt ceiling figured in 1995 partisan rhetoric, it was still unthinkable that politicians would force the Treasury to stop paying the government’s bills or actually default on its debt.”
Probably my clearest attempt yet at explaining debt ceiling madness, on last night’s @abc730 with @leighsales.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 7, 2013
October 2:
Philip Wallach reviews the history of past debt ceiling crises, noting that “when push came to shove Congress raised the ceiling in each case” and calling particular attention to the episode in 1996.
A spike in the yield curve highlights the debt ceiling danger zone.
— Justin Wolfers (@justinwolfers) October 2, 2013
September 30:
Henry Aaron says that “If Congress leaves the debt ceiling at a level inconsistent with duly enacted spending and tax laws, the president has no choice but to ignore it.”
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What Brookings Scholars Said about the Debt Ceiling
October 16, 2013