In this episode of Intersections, William Gale, senior fellow in Economic Studies and Arjay and Frances Fearing Miller chair in federal economic policy, and Vanessa Williamson, fellow in Governance Studies, discuss what can be learned from state-level experiments in taxation in Kansas and California, Americans’ feelings about paying their taxes, and the empirical evidence versus ideology on how tax policies affect economic growth.
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Show notes:
Read my lips: Why Americans are proud to pay taxes
What does the ACA repeal fight tell us about the upcoming battle over tax reform?
Why Americans are proud to pay taxes
The Republicans will struggle to “win” on tax reform
Effects of Income Tax Changes on Economic Growth
Finally, Something Isn’t the Matter With Kansas
The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise
With thanks to audio producer Gaston Reboredo and producer Vanessa Sauter, as well as additional support from Fred Dews and Richard Fawal.
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PodcastWhy taxes in Kansas matter
July 12, 2017