Despite the controversy and misinformation that has swirled around the USA PATRIOT Act, the Act is the foundation our post-9/11 effort to fight terrorism within U.S. borders. It is essential that the act be renewed. Last night’s vote in the House is a vitally important step toward the reauthorization of the sixteen provisions of the PATRIOT Act that will expire at the end of the year. Now it is time for the Senate to act, and then a final deal will be struck in conference. I hope and expect that that the final passage of the Act’s reauthorization will occur with broad bipartisan support, and I know from my work with the ad hoc group of former officials that such consensus is possible.
Joint Statement on the Patriot Act
The Bipartisan Working Group of Former Government Officials, June 16, 2005
Op-edStatement on the House of Representative’s Vote on the USA PATRIOT Act
July 22, 2005