

Homes for an Inclusive City: A Comprehensive Housing Strategy for Washington, D. C.

April 1, 2006

Two years in the making, the District of Columbia’s Comprehensive Housing Strategy Task Force, co-chaired by the Brookings Greater Washington Research Program Director Alice M. Rivlin, released its final report on April 5, 2006.

The report sets forth a fifteen-year plan to preserve and develop housing in support of the mayor’s vision of a growing, inclusive city of mixed-income and mixed-race neighborhoods. The Task Force calls on the mayor and City Council to double the current level of spending on housing from $3 billion to $6 billion between now and 2020 in order to support the preservation of 30,000 units and new production of 19,000 units, all of affordable housing.

The Task Force also proposes policies designed to raise the homeownership rate from 41 percent to 44 percent and to subsidize the rents of 14,600 affordable units. Additionally, the recommendations address a range of special needs housing objectives, and set forth an extensive list of administrative and management improvements required to ramp up the city’s performance in housing programs and focuses on the importance of building entirely new, mixed-income neighborhoods on the many large undeveloped tracts in the city, especially along both sides of the Anacostia River.

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