

Brookings Today, 7/1/14

A roundup of some of the content published today by Brookings.

  • Job vacancies and STEM skills. Jonathan Rothwell argues that skills common to STEM occupations are in short supply relative to demand.

  • The American Dream in Canada. Richard Reeves and Pete Rodrigue ask whether the American Dream has moved to Canada as a result of higher median income and higher social mobility.

  • UNSC obliged to fight terror in Iraq? Luay Al-Khatteeb looks at the UN Security Council’s role in combatting terrorism and the emerging Obama Doctrine in the context of ISIS in Iraq.

  • Downturn in US-China relations. Cheng Li addresses the perceived downturn in US-China relations.

  • Tax incentives for retirement savings. Barbara A. Butrica, Benjamin H. Harris, Pamela Perun and C. Eugene Steurele discuss the prospects of legislation to flatten tax incentives for retirement savings.

Elina Saxena contributed to this post.