The Congressional Budget Act of 1974: The next 50 years


The Congressional Budget Act of 1974: The next 50 years


Brookings Today, 6/6/14

A roundup of some of the content published today by Brookings.

  • The benefits and future of data in health care. Farzad Mostashari discusses the benefits of data availability in finding flaws and unearthing trends within the health care system and how data can improve health care in America.

  • Facebook’s unknown power on democracy. John Hudak exposes the potential influence that social media can have on voting and questions the ethics of such power.

  • Germany’s confident rise. Jonathan Laurence suggests that Germany is beginning to eschew its traditional role in the international order in favor of a more assertive and independent political will.

  • U.S. employment continues a slow and steady rise. Gary Burtless compares today’s employment growth to historical trends, discussing the slow pace of job growth that has continued steadily in the last few years.

  • Brookings during World War II. Fred Dews and Alison Burke explore Brookings’s contribution to U.S. policymaking during the Second World War.

Elina Saxena contributed to this post.