

Brookings Today, 6/26/14

A roundup of some of the content published today by Brookings.

  • What food labeling litigation tells us about FDA regulation. Nicole E. Negowetti argues that the recent surge in food labeling litigation illustrates consumer attempts to influence marketing behavior of food companies and issues with the FDA’s regulatory oversight.

  • How does the Aereo decision affect innovation? asks Stuart Brotman as he looks at the implications of the Supreme Court’s Aereo business model decision on innovators, consumers, and content creators.

  • The need to study childhood education. Jenny Perlman Robinson and Jenny Alexander explain that going to school doesn’t necessarily translate into increased learning and call for case studies on education.

  • What it takes to implement Common Core. Richard Tom Loveless analyzes the role curriculum plays in implementing Common Core State Standards.

  • Implications of Noel Canning and recent appointments. John Hudak discusses the Supreme Court case National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning.

Elina Saxena contributed to this post.