

Brookings Today, 2/26/14

A roundup of some of the content published on today.

  • Does pre-K work? Russ Whitehurst argues that we all just need to be more picky about the research on pre-K.

  • The Taliban + Pakistan = The Dark Ages. Madiha Afzal discusses what Prime Minister Sharif must do to protect Pakistani sovereignty and prevent the Taliban from winning people over.

  • What’s next for Ukraine? Steven Pifer takes us on a tour of the biggest stumbling blocks ahead.

  • Understanding President Obama’s new budget. David Wessel provides an expert guide on how to read the president’s forthcoming budget. Pro tip: Go directly to the tables.

  • How much Army is enough? Michael O’Hanlon examines the question and appropriate answer.

  • Public pension reform. In two papers, scholars address what can be done about the rampant underfunding of public pension systems.

Mingwei Ma contributed to this post.