The first debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at Hofstra University has concluded. Brookings experts provided live reactions and analysis on this landmark moment in U.S. politics.
Below are many of the tweets and links to commentary from Brookings experts during and after the event. If you’re on Twitter, follow us at @BrookingsInst, or check out this list of Brookings experts who tweeted throughout tonight’s debate.
Read Senior Fellow Elaine Kamarck on why she thinks both candidates exceeded expectations: “In first debate, Clinton goes after the heart of Trump’s candidacy”
Governance Studies VP participated in a Facebook Live discussion the morning after the debate:
.@HillaryClinton won handily tho not perfect. #trump‘s lack of prep and training really showed. Discipline was lacking. #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
At the start of the debate, bettors ranked Clinton a 63% chance to win.
By the end, it’s up to 68%
She not only won, she won big.— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) September 27, 2016
Important to point out that ICE’s union endorsed Trump, not the agency itself. Federal agencies cannot endorse candidates.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
He complains about those negative ads.
— Amy Liu (@amy_liuw) September 27, 2016
I think @LesterHoltNBC was classy but too hands-off. #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
I only saw one president of the United States on that stage tonight.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Trump looks like he knows he just got totally blown out
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) September 27, 2016
Trump: “She has spent hundred of millions of dollars on negative ads on me…many of which are untrue.” The other allegations…not so much.
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
In “defending” himself against accusations of sexism, Trump repeats his slurs vs Rosie O’Donnell. Any questions?
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Clinton on stamina: when Trump’s traveled to 112 countries or even spent 11 hours testifying before Congress, then we can talk about stamina
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Clinton defends Iran deal as success w/o firing single shot. That is diplomacy. That is coalition building. That is working w/other nations.
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
Shorter #Trump: I won’t just shout down the woman; I’ll shout down the black guy, too! #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Clinton: Words matter. I want to reassure our allies: we have mutual defense treaties & we will honor them. Our word is good. #debatenight
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Donald Trump: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.” #Unfit
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Clinton: Rather deal w/other problems w/Iran having put lid on nuke issue 1st. Iran is her 1st real foreign policy smackdown. Vry effective
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
This debate is not close. @HillaryClinton dominated the discussion and got more of her attack lines into discussion. He didn’t execute well.
— Darrell West (@darrwest) September 27, 2016
A lot of us have made up our minds already. If you were truly undecided going into debate, which way would you be pulled? #Debates2016
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) September 27, 2016
.@HillaryClinton Addressing allies across the world to reassure: our word is good. #debatenight #Debates2016
— Natan Sachs (@natansachs) September 27, 2016
Trump describes Iran deal as great giveaway of all time. Conflating nuke deal w/prisoner swap.
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
Trump dangerously misunderstands nuclear weapons, says @steven_pifer: #debates
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) September 27, 2016
Wow. Trump comes out against first strike. Does he know what he is actually talking about???
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
There is no “your President” @realDonaldTrump there is only “our President” #weareallamericans #Debates2016
— Aaron Klein (@Aarondklein) September 27, 2016
#Trump just clarified view on allies & defense spending: Germany & others should pay US for defense. That’s not what #NATO is about.
— Steven Pifer (@steven_pifer) September 27, 2016
Trump: we can’t defend Japan, a behemoth who sells cars by the billions. #JawOnFloor #Unfit #ThisGuyWillStartWars
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
#debates saying we cannot defend Japan unless it pays us is chilling.
— Richard Nephew (@RNephewCGEP) September 27, 2016
Hillary making the case for NATO. Hard to believe that’s necessary. Read @MichaelEOHanlon on the subject:
— Jessica Brandt (@jessbrandt) September 27, 2016
#debates wonky but I love the NATO and Iran answers from HRC. And the nuclear weapons answer shows how he is thoroughly outclassed.
— Richard Nephew (@RNephewCGEP) September 27, 2016
Clinton:Trump’s cavalier attitude toward nuclear weapons is deeply troubling.A man provoked by a tweet should not be near the nuclear codes.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Clinton: when I became SecState, Iran was weeks away from building a bomb. I spent 1.5yrs building toughest sanx. 1/2
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
It’s a very interesting strategy. She’s not fighting him for time. She’s making herself look presentable and letting him look absurd.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) September 27, 2016
Best moment so far for Clinton: NATO came to US aid after 9/11. #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
This does not seem to be a winning argument. Trump: “My strongest asset is my temperament.”
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) September 27, 2016
#debates this answer on temperament and judgment is one of the best moments. And now back to reality with HRC.
— Richard Nephew (@RNephewCGEP) September 27, 2016
When #Trump talks about #NATO, does he want allies to meet 2% of GDP for defense standard, or does he want allies to pay US for protection?
— Steven Pifer (@steven_pifer) September 27, 2016
A lot of nonsense here on the history of #ISIS. Read @usislam‘s @will_mccants on how the group was really formed:
— Jessica Brandt (@jessbrandt) September 27, 2016
So Trump wants to make NATO allies pay him protection money, & then expects them to join us in a fight in the Middle East. #debatenight
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
#iran was not about to fall. False. But it is true that “I haven’t given much thought to NATO” #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
“I haven’t given lots of thought to NATO” – Trump. That’s OK, it’s not that important. #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
wow, Trump is doubling down on his dangerous NATO remarks with no prompting #debatenight
— Dan Byman (@dbyman) September 27, 2016
Trump now shooting wildly in all directions.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
In this debate, @HillaryClinton is getting all her attack lines in while he is not . Little mention of her emails, no mention of Benghazi
— Darrell West (@darrwest) September 27, 2016
Clinton reminds Americans that to defeat terror, we need our allies, and yet Trump denigrates them. #debatenight
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Trump uses words beautiful, bad, unbelievable etc far too frequently. Clinton overly fond of word “plan.” Plan does not equal problem solved
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
Again Trump with the “take the oil” insanity. Save your own sanity and read Bruce Riedel:
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Trump needs to stay up on news: #ISIS doesn’t control Libya’s oil. And US has hit its oil assets hard in Syria. #debatenight
— Dan Byman (@dbyman) September 27, 2016
That’s not ICE. Words actually matter.
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Student data also warrants discussions about cyber-security. Big issues that need federal action. via @BrookingsInst
— Mike Hansen (@DrMikeHansen) September 27, 2016
As debate turns to #NatSec, Trump fades into background. #NotGoodEnough #Unfit.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
If you’re curious about the (public) evidence for #Russia‘s involvement in the #DNChack, read @Susan_Hennessey:
— Jessica Brandt (@jessbrandt) September 27, 2016
#Trump campaign staff suggested he was not spending a lot of time preparing for the debate. It shows.
— Steven Pifer (@steven_pifer) September 27, 2016
Should i care how much a hacker weighs?
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) September 27, 2016
I’ll be posting analysis of the debate on FixGov:
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
Trump: Under Obama we’ve lost control of things we used to control. Articulating this loss -& demanding recompense -is essence of his appeal
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
And Trump’s plan on cybersecurity is…it’s really hard, maybe it can’t be done. #Unfit
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Wait. How can ICE, a government agency, endorse a political candidate?
— Jessica Brandt (@jessbrandt) September 27, 2016
Wow — Trump now denies that Russia did the DNC hack. He is just determined to carry Putin’s water. #debatenight
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
ugly attack on “the political hacks,” followed by defense of russia and gratuitous dig at 400 lb guy in his bed. #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
Can someone fact check the statement that a government agency endorsed a presidential candidate. COME ON! #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Why does Russia hack the United States? Fiona Hill says it’s about intimidation: #debates
— Brookings FP (@BrookingsFP) September 27, 2016
#trump‘s motto in all things: “no admission of guilt.” A fitting coda for his birtherism. #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
.@realDonaldTrump unwisely spending time on his settling on the racial discrimination case. #debatenight #Debates2016
— Natan Sachs (@natansachs) September 27, 2016
“I settled that lawsuit with no admission of guilt” a line that will surely click with the African American community #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Trump has no shame -he is the promoter of the birther lies…. #debatenight #TertuliaHillaryvsTrump
— Arturo Sarukhan (@Arturo_Sarukhan) September 27, 2016
devastating takedown of #trump‘s “racist lie,” and pivot to discrimination lawsuits #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
Clinton minces no words: Trump pushed this racist birther lie, that our first black president, wasn’t really an American. #debatenight
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
I assume Kelly Ann Conway after this #debatenight will sternly say “See Mr. Trump, that’s why I suggested mock debates and more debate prep”
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Donald Trump’s ridiculous claim that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) September 27, 2016
That is the killer line of the debate. @HillaryClinton says she prepared for debate and is prepared to be president.
— Darrell West (@darrwest) September 27, 2016
So far exactly as expected (& feared). Clinton dry, thoughtful, dull. Trump simplistic, brash, quippy.
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Correct, see our wapo oped … #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
Want to learn about implicit bias? Check out work of new @BrookingsInst colleague Dayna Bowen Matthew #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
strong answer by @HillaryClinton : “implicit bias a problem for everyone, not just police.” true. #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
So, here are some facts on current topic:
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) September 27, 2016
As you mentioned Chicago, here are the income trends by race for that city #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
It’s almost as though – mid sentence – Trump remembered he is not supposed to be calling for confiscation of guns. Whoops!
— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) September 27, 2016
How the War on Drugs Damages Black Social Mobility #debatenight @jtrothwell
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
On race, @HillaryClinton goes for reconciliation and mutual understanding while @realDonaldTrump goes for law and order. #Debates2016
— Darrell West (@darrwest) September 27, 2016
Hillary’s delivery is deliberate and clear on race, a thorny issue. Trump starts talking his endorsements. Will he talk policy?
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
Guns and race: The different worlds of black and white Americans #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Black kids twice as likely to be stuck in poverty #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Five Bleak Facts on Black Opportunity #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
The conversation shifts to race: this should be something to watch. Waiter: one more popcorn, please! #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Clinton’s argument about the need for reciprocity, and for fair pay, was delivered with confidence.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
devastating hillary attack on #trump‘s abuse of the little guy, brilliant pivot to her dad and to architect in audience. #Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
Clinton’s proposals could increase revenue by $1.1 trillion over next decade, says @TaxPolicyCenter: #Debates
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) September 27, 2016
Trump now arguing our infrastructure isn’t as good in states run by autocrats. At least he’s painting a path to improvement #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Not paying taxes doesn’t make you smart it makes you unAmerican #trump. Americans pay taxes to sustain our great country. #DebateNight
— Aaron Klein (@Aarondklein) September 27, 2016
Unfortunately, the email and tax return issues tell us very little about policy – hoping this doesn’t dominate.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
Clinton is in control and controlling the conversation thus far. Trump is looking desperate with constant interruptions #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
“What would the conflicts be?” read em here: …#Debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
Via @NPR: Live Fact Check: Trump And Clinton Debate
— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) September 27, 2016
Clinton must testify, not plead the fifth, on email questions, says @JohnJHudak of tonight’s #debate. #debates
— Brookings Governance (@BrookingsGov) September 27, 2016
Good for Holt for pressing #Trump on tax returns.
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) September 27, 2016
It’s going to be very difficult for the voters to follow any discussion of the issues in this debate.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
“The FED is being more political than Secretary Clinton” — thank god Janet Yellen ain’t running for President #AmIRite? #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Smart for both to appear to be in favor of the middle class, given that 9/10 Americans think they are #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Both candidates policies are missing one important, crucial, equation: growth = productivity #debatenight #debate2016
— Dany Bahar – דני בכר (@dany_bahar) September 27, 2016
30 minutes in my take on @realDonaldTrump‘s plans for policy reform involves shouting down the women in the room & charging on #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Clinton is in a bit of a bind here – deflecting with humor could seem smug.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
Here’s what American trade looked like 20 years after NAFTA: #debates
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) September 27, 2016
Story on income growth more complicated than either candidate suggests @GBurtless #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Okay, this is degenerating. @LesterHoltNBC needs to take control of the mike.
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Donald Trump has repeated a few of these myths about China’s effect on trade & economy: #Debates
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) September 27, 2016
Follow up question. Who is moderating this debate again? #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Debt held by the public is a bad metric as #studentloans falsely increases that figure. Here’s how #debates2016
— Aaron Klein (@Aarondklein) September 27, 2016
Hillary’s response to Trump’s interruptions so far is not to engage with him. Composure could go a long way under all this pressure.
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
Pro tip: interrupting the female candidate is perceived differently by the avg woman voter than it is by the avg male voter #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Worth mentioning that it was black wealth that got hit hardest in recession #debatenight
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Hillary’s strategy: Every answer contains (a) a plan, (b) a criticism of Trump’s plan or approach, and (c) a dig at Trump to bait him.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) September 27, 2016
“That’s called business” will be played repeatedly on every cable news channel all day tomorrow. Get ready. #debatenight #trumpgaffe
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Trump mentioned loss of Carrier jobs in Indy to Mex; Indy metro has also seen growth in #AdvIndustry jobs @MarkMuro1
— Amy Liu (@amy_liuw) September 27, 2016
Lester Holt demanding candidates answer his questions. Seems intuitive, but actually a huge step in the right direction #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
“#Trump’s claim that he built a real-estate fortune out of a “small” $1 million loan is simply not credible.”
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) September 27, 2016
It’s fascinating that Trump hangs entire economy’s problems on manufacturing job loss
— Mark Muro (@MarkMuro1) September 27, 2016
Clinton pointing to personal experience and her father’s hard work. Can Trump show empathy too?
— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) September 27, 2016
Clinton very effectively painting Trump’s privilege vs her middle class upbringing. #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
How about paid leave for men? Right now, in US, not so much….
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
#Debates2016 From 1st Q, @HillaryClinton offers positive vision of greater equity; @realDonaldTrump attacks others #Mexico #China #trade
— Vanda Felbab-Brown (@VFelbabBrown) September 27, 2016
And Trump begins with his typical incoherence, taking 2/3 time to even get to his “plan” for jobs (i.e. business tax cuts)
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
First policy mentioned: Paid leave. Read @isawhill‘s take here
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
Hillary lays out her test for tonight: who can shoulder the “awesome responsibility” of the presidency. #debatenight
— Tamara Cofman Wittes (@tcwittes) September 27, 2016
Doom and gloom right from the start from @realDonaldTrump #debatenight #debates2016
— Natan Sachs (@natansachs) September 27, 2016
Sec. Clinton off the bat with #infrastructure investment. Here’s how you can make infrastructure work: #Debates2016
— Aaron Klein (@Aarondklein) September 27, 2016
(Vanessa Williamson really is live tweeting the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debate!)
I don’t think that #Trump scowl works.
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) September 27, 2016
First question on Obama-economics and the fiscal vision for the future #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Looks like @HillaryClinton has gone for the Power Red tonight, @realDonaldTrump Muted Blue.
— Richard V Reeves (@RichardvReeves) September 27, 2016
We’re about to begin… Here’s the betting odds minutes before the first debate starts.
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) September 27, 2016
My advice to both candidates: To avoid real-time fact-checking, just avoid speaking any facts. They’re actually pretty easy to avoid.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) September 27, 2016
Not my first trip to the rodeo nor my first prez election as a @BrookingsInst pundit, but I’ve never anticipated an event like #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Johnson & Stein not on tonight’s stage. @mollyereynolds on why it wouldn’t have made much difference if they were
— Brookings Governance (@BrookingsGov) September 27, 2016
Hey does anyone know if the stakes could be higher? Asking for a friend.
— J.M. Berger (@intelwire) September 27, 2016
For someone who occasionally gets nervous in professional settings, it’s humanizing to see a total pro like @LesterHoltNBC nervous AF
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
How much of a role will sexism play in tonight’s #debate? @JohnJHudak weighs multiple scenarios:
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) September 27, 2016
My final pre debate prep: loaded dishwasher, tested mute button on remote control (2x), helping my kid finish homework by 859 #debates2016
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) September 27, 2016
Ready for #debatenight
— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) September 27, 2016
Instead of live-tweeting #Debates2016 tonight, I’m going to live tweet the first Lincoln-Douglas debate. #Debates1858
— Vanessa Williamson (@V_Williamson) September 27, 2016
Read John Hudak’s piece, “Seven important things to look for in the first presidential debate.”
Visit for all of the research and commentary about the 2016 elections.
.@JonValant predicts we aren’t likely to hear much on K-12 #edpolicy tonight. here’s why: via @BrookingsInst
— Elizabeth Mann (@elizkmann) September 26, 2016
Here are seven questions I would like to see Donald Trump asked at tonight’s debate:
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) September 26, 2016
Dear Debate Moderators: Don’t duck. Be journalists. Stand up for the facts, serious argument & marginalized citizens
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) September 26, 2016
My latest: Pre-debate betting says we’ll see little substance tonight.
— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) September 26, 2016
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What Brookings experts are saying about the first presidential debate
September 25, 2016