The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project was completed in August 1998 and resulted in the book Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940 edited by Stephen I. Schwartz. These project pages should be considered historical.

Total = $51.558 trillion

figure2.GIFNote: National defense category has been adjusted to exclude nuclear weapons and infrastructure costs. Nuclear weapons costs are a combination of actual and estimated expenditures. Program totals do not match overall total because of rounding and the addition of undistributed offsetting receipts (not shown).

Sources: Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940
(Brookings, 1998); Office of Management and Budget,
Budget of the United States Government,
Fiscal Year 1998, (GPO, 1997), pp. 42-49.

Copyright © 1998 The Brookings Institution