We look forward to welcoming you to a course!
Enrollment is not final until Washington University in St. Louis receives your payment or approves your purchase order.
Registration closes 3 business days before a course or when capacity is reached, unless otherwise indicated. We limit class sizes to ensure optimal classroom engagement.

Payment must be made to Washington University in St. Louis
Register by Email
Please include the following information:
- Participant’s name, organization, title, and email address
- Name and dates of the course you wish to register for
- Intended payment method
Register a group
Small groups are welcome in our open enrollment courses. Organizations may choose to pay individually or in one transaction.
For larger groups, consider bringing WashU at Brookings to you with an on-site or custom course.
Payment Methods
Credit Cards
All credit card payments must processed online. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card details over the phone. We accept:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Government purchase cards
Please contact us if your organization prohibits the use of a payment portal.
Purchase Orders
We accept government and corporate purchase orders.
We cannot accept payment or purchase orders that identify the training vendor as the Brookings Institution.
- Model your request on our sample SF-182 purchase order
- Please include one of our unique identifiers:
- DUNS — 068552207
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) — L6NFUM28LQM5
- Tax ID/EIN — 43-0653611
WashU at Brookings participates in several government payment systems, including:
- IPP — 068552207 (TIN ending 3611)
- CAGE — 2B003
Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)
Request an invoice to receive payment instructions. Please include:
- Participant’s name, organization, title, and email address
- Name and dates of the course you wish to register for
Checks or Money Orders
Payable to Washington University
Please include the invoice number on the memo line
Washington University P.O. Box 505505 St. Louis, MO 63150-5505