

Let’s Make a (Nuclear) Deal

As the United States and its allies try to hash out a nuclear deal with Iran that’s both meaningful and palatable to all parties, analysts and observers on all sides are weighing in on what are the critical elements a comprehensive nuclear deal should include and how to go about getting that deal. In a provocative new op-ed in The New York Times, Kenneth M. Pollack, senior fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy and author of the book Unthinkable: Iran, the Bomb, and U.S. Strategy, argues that the Obama administration’s seeming preoccupation with numbers of centrifuges and quantities (and qualities) of enriched uranium is off the mark and contends that Washington needs to focus on a different set of issues to get a deal that’s actually worth having.

Read Kenneth M. Pollack’s op-ed piece in 

The New York Times 

