

Top 10 leaders and laggards in school choice and competition

In the Brown Center on Education Policy’s 2014 Education Choice and Competition Index, center Director Russ Whitehurst and Ellie Klein, research and center coordinator, present updated data and score the nation’s largest school districts on thirteen categories of policy and practice related to school choice. The two tables below come from the written report that accompanies the interactive and show the top ten and bottom ten scored school districts.


“As has been the case for all three years in which the ECCI has included 100+ school districts,” the authors write, “the Recovery School District serving New Orleans and the New York City Department of Education lead the nation’s districts in terms of school choice and competition.”


“A letter grade of F on the ECCI,” Whitehurst and Klein explain, “means that families have very little in the way of school choice other than the choice that parents can exercise by purchasing a residence within the geographical assignment zone of their preferred public school.”

Visit the ECCI interactive to see rankings for all school districts, the methodology, and the accompanying report.